Premium Verum, a pilsener style beer, is Warsteiner's most popular beer, and is exported to over 60 countries. The ingredients are forest spring water, two-row malted summer barley and all German hops.
Pours a clear, straw/yellow, with a white head that falls away. Not much effervescence. Noble hop-filled aroma, some grassiness and malty grain. The malt starts at the front of the mouth, with some sweet crystally notes in the middle, rounded off with a good bitterness at the back. A good lingering aftertaste matching the aroma. An excellent warm-day drink.
German pilsners typically come in two varieties, the northern and the southern. Southern examples are akin to a Bohemian pilsner with German hops and less malt. Northern examples are very well-attenuated (leaner in body) and dry.
4.8% ABV | 500ml