Señor Sotol is named after a legendary folklore hero and his unrelenting reputation. His skills as a distillate craftsman and his knowledge of the Chihuahua desert allowed him to traffic the best quality sotol along the roads of northern Mexico. Over time, Señor Sotol became the most important smuggler in the region during the prohibition period until its legalization in 1991.
Señor Sotol Ensamble is made with Dasylirion Texano, Cedrozano, and Wheeleri. The sotol are milled by hand with axes and distilled in a copper alembique still. This sotol is produced in San Nicolas, Durango by maestro Juan Manuel Conde.
Smoked cacao, sweet tobacco, vanilla hints with a pepper finish. Smooth sweetness with a funky aftertaste.
750mL | 43%ABV