This beer is from the Batemans 30 year old Barley Wine recipe and the flavour has been matched with bottles which had been left undiscovered for 31 years only to be found in 2007. The 2012 Vintage was brewed with barleys from a set of unique growing conditions including a prolonged dry period followed by very wet weather, producing grains which impart crisp, dry, rich flavours. It is packed full of succulent malt and after maturing in oak, has flavours of plums, port, malt, brandy, vanilla and almonds
Malty, with complex fruity esters. Some oxidative notes are acceptable, akin to those found in port or sherry. Hop aromas not usually present, due to extended age. Medium amber to very dark red-amber color. Malty and usually sweet. Alcoholic strength should be evident, though not overwhelming. Medium to full body alcohol should contribute some warmth. An ale of significant alcoholic strength, though usually not as strong or rich as barleywine. Usually tilted toward a sweeter, more malty balance. Often regarded as winter warmers, and often released as seasonal beers.