St Sylvestre 3 Monts Biere 750ml

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A wonderful return to nature, with its flavour of yesteryear, this is a beer that was drawn from the wooden metal-circled barrels to fill so many mugs in our Flanders bars! Its bitterness comes from our hop fields scattered throughout the region. Brewed by infusions, it is an old-fashioned rising beer made with strong and hearty Flemish hops. Fermented using top yeasts, like the barrel brewers of yore and clamped like bonderised barrels.


Pours into a chalice with a huge pillow of snowy head, and a smoky golden colour like there?s a tornado going on down there. Scent is of citrus and bitter hops and a tiny bit of alcohol. Taste is caramel with some grains, slight hint of grassiness, some malts. Very smooth. Aftertaste is sweet and slightly caramel as well.


Medium bodied with hints of caramel or toffee. Cellared smell and flavor are characteristics. Color can vary from full gold to copper colored. Good head retention. The name means "beer for keeping" and is best when aged.

8.5% ABV | 750ml



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