Winter has come!
It?s cold, it?s raining and the sun is rare in the sky. So with that, us and our mates at Viniquip have been inspired to make you the most english beer we could think of! AN ESB!
Yes, that's right, an Extra Special Bitter. Made using some fine English and New Zealand malts along with the AEB AY3 Yeast, this beer is all about being clean and crisp with dry biscuit flavours.
We went with the AEB AY3 yeast to promote the rich fruity esters, balanced malt complexity and to draw your focus from the weather outside and into the action in your pint.
As for the hops we wanted to make the english classics shine so we combined our Fuggles and east kent goldings with American Citra to highlight these hops. And what your left with is a beer that?s Gert lush Innit!