Behemoth Trial by Jury #3 - HBC 586 Hazy IPA 440mL

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Objection, Hearsay, Leading, Speculation Overruled! Silence in the courtroom! Court is now in session and the jury is out. We know ‘s been a minute since our last one of these, but we have an exciting new hop for you to try HBC 586 a new American Trial Hop from our mates at Yakima Chief Hops being you a large medley of Mango, guava, lychee, citrus flavours and aromas. So turning it into a juicy Hazy IPA so you can experience both the flavours and aroma. So let us know on our socials what your opinions are on this new hop, it could potentially lead to seeing much more of it. We look forward to your verdict.

6.0% ABV / 440mL



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